Compilation Books

Historic Newspaper
Compilation Books to Remain In Glencoe

-  Will be available to the public  -    


The Project

When the Winsted Herald Journal purchased the McLeod County Chronicle last year and needed to vacate the Chronicle building in Glencoe by the end of the year, the question arose as to what to do with all of the things that had accumulated in the building over the 40 plus year history of the paper. That included tables, chairs, desks, computers, among many other things, but most importantly, what to do with the Chronicle’s huge collection of historic newspaper compilation books.

Every year a newspaper will typically save a certain number of copies of each edition. These papers will then be bound in yearly compilation books. Typically the newspaper keeps one compilation book for its records, a book may go to the local library or historical society for public research, and a book to the state historical society for research and record.

Several proposals were suggested. The Journal decided that it wanted to retain ownership of the collection but would allow it to be stored by the GHPS and the Glencoe Public Library so that it would be available as a research tool for the general public.

Glencoe Mayor Ryan Voss, also a member of the GHPS, became involved and took care of arrangements with the city
Mayor Voss arranged for a truck and trailer and on Wednesday, February 2, 2024, the books and the wall of bookshelves were removed from the building and will be set up in two locations in the Glencoe City Center.

Moving Day

Helping with the move were Ryan Voss and his son Mitchell, Matt Moreschon, Rich Glennie, Journal employee Trischia Karels, GHPS President Wes Olson and Lon Roach.

The McLeod County Chronicles will be stored by the Glencoe Public Library in its research room along with the Glencoe Enterprise and Chronicle books that they already have. This is fortunate as many of the later Chronicle books from this century are missing from the library’s collection, as they were not contributed.

This completes the collection. The books are available to the public for research during normal library hours.

The Brownton, Stewart, and Silver Lake books will be stored by the Glencoe Historical Preservation Society in their rooms at the Glencoe City Center. They will also be available to the public for research. Arrangements to access them can be made through the library or the GHPS.

Submitted by: Lon Roach
February 3, 2024

Chronicles Collection of Newspaper
Compilation Books Arrive at the Glencoe City Center



Cabinets In Place

On Friday afternoon at 5pm on February 9, 2024, the truck and trailer from RDV Construction pulled up in front of the library entrance to the Glencoe City Center. On board were five 8-foot cabinets and about 400 newspaper compilation books removed the week before from the McLeod County Chronicle building on 10th Street in Glencoe. RDV had stored them in his heated garage until a time convenient for moving them into the Glencoe Public Library and Glencoe Historical Preservation Society upstairs research and storage room. On hand to help were Rich Glennie, Lon Roach, Jerome Ide, Ryan and Mitchell Voss and Mat Moreschon.

The McLeod County Chronicles were placed on dollies and transported by elevator and stacked in the library’s newspaper research room. Roach and Glennie returned on Monday February 12th and marked and placed the books in chronological order on the library’s shelves for use by the public. The books from The Stewart Tribune, The Brownton Bulletin, The Silver Lake Leader and The Glencoe Advertiser were also transported by dolly and elevator to the library, but were taken down the library’s west hallway and through the normally locked door on the north wing to the GHPS room.

The 8-foot by 45” cabinets were brought in through the north door of the west wing and muscled up the staircase by Mitchell Voss and Mat Moreschon and placed in the GHPS research room. Additional books that had been transported in the cabinets while on the trailer were also brought up the staircase by Voss and Moreschon. On Friday February 16, 2024, Ryan Voss, Danny Briggs and Lon Roach returned to the GHPS room to set up and secure the cabinets to the wall.

The compilation books are in stacks by newspaper along the walls of the GHPS room and will need to be sorted by date and placed on the shelves. Some of the older books have pages sticking out that have been damaged by mishandling over the years and will require some repair before placement. When placement is complete, these books will also be available to the public for serious research by contacting the GHPS.

Submitted by: Lon Roach
February 16, 2024

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