May Meeting Minutes

GHPS May 2024 Meeting Minutes


GHPS Meeting
May 2024

10 People Present

Secretary Report: Motion to approve 1st by Roger Lebra 2nd by Robert Thurn

Treasurer Report:
    ● Current Balance: 19,480.66
    ● Motion to approve, 1st by Lon Roach and 2nd Ryan Voss

Old Business:
    ● Deserts in the Park during Glencoe days on June 22, 2024
    ● Joyce Schiroo is willing to co chair
    ● Set up at 11:30, start serving at Noon
    ● Bring deserts
    ● Joyce Schiroo will bring 4 pans of rhubarb bars
    ● Dorothy Dahlke will bring 2 pans of chocolate bars
    ● Will have a cooler with water
    ● Ryan Voss will set up kiosk with GHPS info Sue will help with pictures, will look
       for good location to set up
    ● Louise Carlson will be cashier
    ● Will have volunteer sign up closer to event

New Business:
    ● Will meet June 18th 2024 then break for the summer
    ● Tour of Masonic Hall and brief history of Glencoe Masonic Temple by Lon Roach
    1.  Room above the temple built in 1895, due to old building burning down in 1894
    2. Hosted 3 Masonic groups, Blue Lodge , Red Lodge and Eastern Star (women's group)
    3. The Mason are not a religion rather a men’s club, a fraternity
    4. Each state has a Grand Master (president)
    5. The term “Masonic” refers to a system or structure of organization
    6. Masons are ranked by degrees, based on knowledge, experience, and understanding
    7. At one time all information was through memorization, now have code books to spur memory
    8. Glencoe Lodge formed Jan 28, 1863, 7 people were needed to form a lodge.
    9. The object of the Masons is to take a good man and make him better, members are encouraged to participate fully in their church
    10. In 1895 the Glencoe Masonic Temple had 165 members
    11. The Eastern star closed in Glencoe in 1995
    12. The whole lodge closed in 2015 due to lack of members
    13. The Eastern star closed in Glencoe in 1995
    14. The whole lodge closed in 2015 due to lack of members, all items were returned to Grand Lodge in St. Paul , MN.

Motion to adjourn by Ryan Voss

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